Monday, October 22, 2012

Unroll Surfaces

unroll Poly surfaces in Rhino from Jens Pedersen on Vimeo.

This is a small and very basic tool I made in Rhino Scripting. It will unroll all poly surfaces that are in your rhino file, unroll them, and then place them back at their original position. This is really useful for digital fabrication purposes, and you can download it from the download tab at this blog. 

I hope you will like it.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Particle System

Rebounds from Nicolas Leguina on Vimeo.

This is a small script I developed originally for a sound scattering simulation. It is a particle system where the particles bounce off the surfaces around them. The more they bounce the brighter they become.

The script is available on the download section of the blog.

Somethings cooking in the outskirts of Denmark!

I have always thought that there is something about the saying;

"Dont talk about it, be about it".

And these fellow Danes certainly did something about about it, by actually fabricating this site specific deconstructed geodesic dome. I must admit I dont know if they used grasshopper or scripting, but it looks really cool. If they didnt use these tools, the use of them would have made their lives a hell of a lot easier :D

Monday, September 24, 2012

Mesh relaxation

Mesh relaxation from Jens Pedersen on Vimeo.

This blog will showcase some of my friends and my own computational experiments, thoughts, methods etc.

This video shows a quick mesh relaxing algorithm I had lying around, so please let us know if you want the definition, the logic, or whatever you can think of.

In time we will be posting tutorials on grasshopper and scripting.